
Nicole’s niche is small to medium sized businesses, particularly those wishing to “cross the chasm” from the startup stage to growth stage. Nicole has also supported individual leaders in all stages of their career journey.

Whatever your environment, though, Nicole has the skills and experience to help you get moving toward your goals.

From coaching, to mentoring and consulting, to training, workshops, facilitation, and everything in between, she can supply “just enough” support to ensure that your journey toward business success is swift, simple, and sustainable.

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Competition chomping at your heals? Outcomes not as you had hoped? Nicole can help you identify opportunities for improvement and coach you through the implementation. Your competition won’t know what hit them.

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Upskill your teams quickly and effectively with Nicole’s highly interactive workshops. Carefully curated content and intricately honed activities leave particpants with specialized skills and a focused plan for implementation immediately upon their return to the office.

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The Coach’s Toolkit

Get everything (yes, everything!) you need to run Nicole’s highly successful workshops yourself in the Coach’s Toolkit.

As an added bonus, gain access to a robust community of people just like you to support your growth as a coach and facilitator.

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Imagine what we could do together